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Health & wellbeing
Medical and oral health
- General health status:
- Chronic diseases, allergies, infections, poxes, and traumas (Questionnaire)
- Use of medications (Questionnaire)
- Use of vitamins and mineral supplements (Questionnaire)
- Factors that could affect serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (Questionnaire)
- Oral health status:
- Oral hygiene (Questionnaire)
- Self-perceived oral health (Questionnaire)
- Quality of life related to oral health (Questionnaire)
- Clinical oral examination by research dentist
- Clinical orthodontic examination by research orthodontist
- Bacteria, digestion enzymes, and potential biomarkers for periodontitis, caries, and systemic diseases from saliva samples (to be analysed)
Wellbeing, pain, depression and stress
- Physical, psychic, and social wellbeing (Questionnaire)
- Pain conditions (Questionnaire)
- Depression (Cognitive, behavioral, affective, and somatic components of depression by Beck Depression Inventory)
- Perceived stress (Cohen Scale)